
Covent Garden Sinfonia
Covent Garden Sinfonia


Most of all, we want you to support Covent Garden Sinfonia by coming to our concerts and sharing in the excitement of live orchestral music. Income from ticket sales, however, does not cover the costs of running the orchestra, and so we rely on the generosity of individuals and businesses to support the work we do. Large or small, your contribution will make a real difference to the orchestra. Please read on to find out the ways in which you can help us.

Individual Support

There are many ways you can get involved and become part of the Covent Garden Sinfonia family, from becoming a CGS Friend from just £50 a year, to supporting a major project such as a concert or recording as a CGS Patron.

• CGS Friend • £50/year
• CGS Benefactor • £100/year
• CGS Supporter • £500/year

As a Friend, Benefactor or Supporter, you will receive an acknowledgment in the programme of all our self-promoted concerts, and a complimentary programme with every ticket purchased. You will also receive an occasional newsletter, including advance details of forthcoming projects. To join one of these schemes, please contact us, or sign up easily and securely by clicking on the 'Donate' button below.

• CGS Patron £1,000+

In addition to the benefits listed above, as a CGS Patron you will be acknowledged as a principal supporter for a project, such as a concert or recording, of your choice. Please contact Ben Palmer, Artistic Director, on +44 (0)7748 987514 to find out more.

Corporate Support

Covent Garden Sinfonia is one of London's most dynamic and versatile chamber orchestras. CGS's performances offer many opportunities for client engagement and hospitality in London and around the UK. If you would like to discuss how your company might build an association with us, or to advertise in our concert programmes, please contact Ben Palmer, Artistic Director, on +44 (0)7748 987514.